On Saturday 01 June 2002 11:54 am, you wrote:
> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the resources
> on the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge some time to
> get it off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
> So?

I said a while ago that I would be using Caldera 2.4 and upodating this. Also 
that I would upload to the site when I was finished and that I would be 
asking questions. It had since alterred from 2.4 which would not install on 
my h/w, neither would ltp or 3.0 to 3.1.1. I am NOT competant to alter the cd 
installation of such a distro but I am updating all I can of the rpms plus 
others that I use in video straeming and video playing. I want help as to how 
I make rpms of kernel sources ( hand holding), and anything else that i 
cannot get checkinstall to make rpms for me.

One thing that I do have over most here is 'TIME' , or whats left of it in 
this life.

I have kernel 2.4.18 and kde 3.0.1 plus xfree4.2, which are the major 'wants' 
of most for Caldera, to actually compile and turn into rpms. Its the spec 
file aspect that has me by the short and curlies, it might as well be a 
martian play. Can anyone edify me in simple terms as to its creation.

The machine is powerful and lost of disk space plus memory.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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