Am Samstag, 1. Juni 2002 04:20 schrieb Keith Antoine:

> I said a while ago that I would be using Caldera 2.4 and upodating this.
> Also that I would upload to the site when I was finished and that I would
> be asking questions. It had since alterred from 2.4 which would not install
> on my h/w, neither would ltp or 3.0 to 3.1.1. I am NOT competant to alter
> the cd installation of such a distro but I am updating all I can of the
> rpms plus others that I use in video straeming and video playing. I want
> help as to how I make rpms of kernel sources ( hand holding), and anything
> else that i cannot get checkinstall to make rpms for me.

There is a somewhat hidden rpm target in the kernel source Makefile of v. 
2.4.18. When compiling the kernel, try
        make xconfig rpm
which gives you an installable kernel rpm (with modules).

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