On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:24:32 -0500 "Richard R. Sivernell"
> List
>    I too would like to be apart of a new distro, but I fear that it
>    would take
> some
> time to outline just what we would want and at least a year or two
> to do such.

[ snip ]

> I am in the midst of designing a new IDE for Linux using a xclass
> library I found. It is somewhat outdated and I am bringing it up to
> latest ANSI - ISO level with stl. While I still use Kdevelop, it
> does work but I do not like QT. ... I have grown very found of xfce
> & would want it on all my machines. 

A few points:

1) A new linux distro is a lot of work and IMO about as useful as
t***s on a boar hog, as they say down south.

2) I think we would get a lot better mileage (extending Doug's
suggestion) with a repository of information on a few good distros
with pointers about how to get from new install to a stable, current,
upgradable system.  As Richard said, I like xfce on all my systems,
but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too.

3) On a side note, Richard, have you tried Python with the PyGtk
extension?  I'm working on a simple gui-based portage display and
installation package for gentoo.  PyGtk is pretty easy to use, but
it's not extremely well documented.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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