On Saturday 01 June 2002 10:21 pm, you wrote:

> I'd rather see us keep an updated distros page, the info here
> http://www.linux-sxs.org/distrourl.html and here
> http://www.linux-sxs.org/distroref.html
> seems dated. The lycoris thread has some good info on alternative distros,
> as does a couple other threads.
> Perhaps we'd be better served *endorsing* a distro, or coupla distro's and
> maintaining an updated distro's section than trying to roll our own.
> BTW, has anybody tried the SxS on rolling your own (Skippy?),
> http://www.linux-sxs.org/rolldist.html ?
> I guess Joe Cheek is no longer sub'd, or he woulda chimed in on the Lycoris
> thread...
> Regards,
> Tim

Yes I did read this epistle of Josephs', somewhat totuous for my brain so I 
have tried emailing him to see if he is still alive and kicking. However do 
not know as yet if the mail address is alive also.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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