On Sunday 02 June 2002 09:09 am, you wrote:

> Andrew makes an excellent suggestion here.  If we do finally get enough
> mmomentum behind this, we should create a new list, rather than
> cluttering up this one with content that those not involved wouldn't be
> interested in.
> I'll even be so bold as to suggest that SourceForge might be well suited
> to managing such a project. <ducks & runs>

I did raise this point a while ago but the traffic looked as if it was 
falling off, so did not persue. However we do have a 'general' list here to 
start with, some are subbed in I am but no traffic so why not use this. If it 
grows thats another ballgame, however I am in it for selfish reasons, what I 
can get out of it in the way of an easily upgradeable and installable distro.
I have machinery and time but no knowledge of install scripts or programming.
I am looking at rpm specs at the moment, and merrily converting tarballs and 
.src.rpms into installable rpms on 3.1.1 along with dependant files.

What I am doing is the easy part but I am also learning: I just never thought 
that I would have enough brains left at nearly 70 to even think about it.
This all came about since my last two girlfriends fell over laughing when I 
put my thongs on. 

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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