Richard R. Sivernell wrote:
> On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600
>   I have expertise in software development databases & some scripting of
> Unix korn bash, though not heavy. I ve a question here, I need a very small 
> footprint database for linux. I have a laptop that currently has peanut on it
> & I have left approx 1.6 gig left, I need to put Open Office and development 
> tools and a small sql database. any recommendations. Mysql did not
> ook good at first sight, Postgres is to large I think, Oracle/db 2 is out. If 

I agree that Oracle & DB2 couldn't, by any stretch of the imagination, 
be considered "small footprint" DBs.  PostgreSQL really doesn't occupy 
significantly more room (or memory) than MySQL, and is far more mature & 
full featured.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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