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What DB features do you need?? mySQL is ok if you don't need
transactions (COMMIT/ROLLBACK) and foreign keys. If you need then, you
should use PostgreSQL (IIRC it's not much bigger than mySQL and it's
"more" SQL compliant than mySQL).

You should be more than OK with 1.6GB (unless you plan to have a VERY
BIG database).

Hope this help you.

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 03:32:26 -0500, Richard R. Sivernell wrote:

>On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600
>  I have expertise in software development databases & some scripting of
>Unix korn bash, though not heavy. I ve a question here, I need a very small 
>footprint database for linux. I have a laptop that currently has peanut on it
>& I have left approx 1.6 gig left, I need to put Open Office and development 
>tools and a small sql database. any recommendations. Mysql did not
>ook good at first sight, Postgres is to large I think, Oracle/db 2 is out. If 
>I have misjudged any thing let me know. I am going to be taking 2 courses the
>at UNT this summer DatabaseConcepts & Unix sys programming, aka Linux
>system programming. 1st course at 12 noon & 2nd course at 8pm, to far to travel
>back & forth for, so I will stay at school during afternoons. Ahhhh, some time 
>there too for work on distro, especially if I can get pcmcia to work & a lan
>at UNT.
>Rick Sivernell
>Dallas, Texas  75287
>972 306-2296
>Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
>Registered Linux User
>   .~.
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