I am not sure what you mean by connect. Does connect always mean "telnet" in
your letter below? Can you telnet from your RH machine to the other

Here is something to try while you figure this out.

This sounds like an arp table problem, that is to say, for some reason
there is no path found from your RH machine to your other machines. This
will show up in your arp table as (incomplete).

To test this out, restart your redhat box (or maybe just restart networking,
but you have to make sure your arp table is cleared), and run:
arp -n
Then, try to connect from any machine, and run arp -n again.
Then, ping from any machine, and run arp -n again.
Then, "connect" from any machine and run arp -n again.

I BELIEVE your other machines should start to show up in the arp table. If
my idea is correct, then before you ping, your other machines will be listed
as incomplete.

Now, as to the causes for this, I forget, but misconfigured NIC's (wrong
broadcast ip, wrong mask, wrong routing tables in gateway machines)
can cause this problem.

Of course, I doubt this is your problem, but this will give you something to
work with.

ALSO, run tcpdump and you will likely see just what the problem is. If you
don't have your kernel compliled to support tcpdump, shame on you.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 07:57:47PM +1000, James McDonald wrote:
> Hi all,
> My main box has a Nvidia nForce embedded network card and runs rh7.2 with a 
> 2.4.18 preempt patched kernel my card driver is the latest from the 
> nvidia.com site.
> The problem that I am having is if I try to connect to this box from any of 
> the other machines on my LAN using any OS it doesn't respond but if I ping 
> the machine I am trying to connect from the rh.7.2 box I can then connect. 
> Running the iptables --list tells me all my filter rules are open and set to 
> accept... and I have added the ANY key word to my /etc/hosts.allow.
> Any ideas on this one would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
>   James McDonald
>   MCSE (Windows 2000/NT4), CCNA, CCA, MCP + I 
>   Registered Linux User #209832
>   http://jamesmcd.dns2go.com (home)
>   Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
>   7:51pm  up 2 days,  5:21,  7 users,  load average: 0.47, 0.13, 0.04
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