I am beginning to understand now!   I'll use LILO on this next try.  I 
guess GRUB was just another of Caldera's many mistakes <G>.

> On 11/02/2002 06:40 PM, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> GRUB isn't a replacement for LILO anymore than HURD is a replacement for
> Linux.  They're too completely different packages with similar purposes.
>   Kinda like KDE & Gnome.
> At any rate, LILO has had +1024 cylinder support for prolly around 2
> years now.  I continue to use LILO, and only LILO because it just plain
> works.  Back when Caldera thrust Grub on the world, i wasted a few weeks
> playing with it, and was quite disapointed.  Its Stallman's idea of a
> toy, masquerading as a bootloader.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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