[ snips ]

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:19:01 +1000 Keith Antoine
> On Monday 11 November 2002 04:31 am, Mark Heinrich espoused:
> > I'm going to build a new computer soon (after I get the parts for
> > X-mas - grin) and would like to try a new distribution with it as
> > well.  This will be for a family computer that has scanner
> > (parallel port) and ink jet printer (usb).  I'd like something
> > that will configure the hardware automatically.  The installer
> > should work without any problems.
> >

> Having said all that Caldera, even if it has been dropped is easy,
> and to a degree is Mandrake and Suse, hear lycoris is simple and XP
> like. You will get other commendations from others too. Be careful
> when we say is 'simple' or 'easy' as that is relative to experience
> too, many here are longterm users.

YMMV with any distro, but as posted earlier the XFS install version of
RH7.3 is almost a no brainer, and it worked perfectly for my plain
vanilla hardware (onboard video and sound, IDE drives, CDRW, hp
laserjet printer).  I've done all the available "up2date" upgrades
except kernel, and nary a glitch in site.  OTOH, I nevery let any (!!)
distro update my mbr or grub, so you could consider that option

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Redhat 7.3 system
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