On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 18:37:15 -0800 Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/18/02 18:22, m.w.chang wrote:
> > 
> >>>if security can be quarateed at network port level, and that only I 
> >>>could login the machine at console, is there a need for file system 
> >>>security?
> >>
> >>Security can't be guaranteed. With what you've just described, you
> >>don't want Linux or Unix at all. You might as well use Windows 2000
> >>or some such.
> > 
> > 
> > win$ 2000 has NTF$ which also got security. open-source computing is not
> > just about *TIGHT* security, right? please don't mis-understand.
> First, Kurt never said anything about opensource computing.  Secondly, 
> if you're going to be comparing things to the crap that M$ pretends is a 
> filesystem, then you should be well aware that security isn't only 
> confined to the filesystem permissions.
> Perhaps if you explained what specific problem it was you were trying to 
> solve, someone might help you.

Before we beat this guy up and toss him out the back door...

His original idea isn't all that bad and it's one that I've thought of a few
times. The idea being of a "single user linux". One that starts up and runs all
the current linux software, but not burdened with the multi-user overhead
and with that, a whole big bunch of security overhead.

However... It'll never happen. You just can't strip out the unwanted stuff from
the kernel without also stripping the same functions from the applications.
Much, too much, work...

But it's really not a bad idea... maybe one of the embedded kernels can be put
to task?


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