m.w.chang wrote:
  > I only knew Latin is an IMPORTANT language in biology and
medicine (and
  > I was a Biology student).  I believe any further study
into the field of
  > western medicine requires a good command of Latin. And be
a real good
  > drug makers, you need to learn chinese as well.
  >>Latin is one language I read fluently and I have no such
memory.  There
  >>is a Latin dictionary on the Web (actually more than one)
and it fails

Has anybody ever thought about a latin localisation/distro?
The advandages would be evident:

- The latin alphabet has only about 22 characters, just
uppercase, no numerals. So there would be no mess with
fonts, encodings etc.
- Input/output devices could be dramatically simplified
(keyboards, Postsript controlled stonecutting devices).
- As I remember from my school days, latin sentences tend to
be very compact. So, together with the 5-bit character code,
no zipping would be necessary when transmitting huge texts
over the Internet.

Of course, there would be some minor disadvantages:
- Hardly anybody can speak or read latin, perhaps aside from
a few old men in the Vatican and Robert Black Eagle.
- Computational algorithms in latin are a bit clumsy and
hard to implement, think of

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