Robert Black Eagle wrote:
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Jane's Ships (a UK source) now uses "it" instead of "she" for ships, 
but everyone else still uses "she".  Dogs of unknown gender are 
normally "he" and cats of unknown gender are "she" for most people.  I 
can't recall any other exceptions.  Individuals sometimes use "he" or 
"she" affectionately for personal items, such as cars.
The U.S. Navy tried that and was forced by public outcry to go back to the poliyically incorrect she for ships. I guess the Mother country still has some catching up to do. But, what the heck they still haven't installed the metric system.

Now you want confusion, try to explain how and where to use "the" in 
English.  If you say you live int THE Paris, you mean you live in 
Paris, France and not, let us say, Paris, Texas.  However, how would 
you make that reference to The Hague (where "The" is part of the name)? 
 And there are other confusing uses for "the", some of which are 
dialect variations

There are specific cases for the use of the articles a and the. The is used when describing a specific unit from a universe of like units, such as the Beast Who Ate Toyko. Only one particular beast out of an entire universe of beasts actually ate Toyko. If you used A Beast who Ate Toyko it could be any beast out of the universe of beasts.

On Thursday 21 November 2002 9:07 am, Net Llama! wrote:
AFAIK, only ships are referred to as women.  Everything else is
gender neutral.

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, m.w.chang wrote:
I learnt my english while Hongkong was still a british colony (ok,
she's called United Kingdoms now). You sure that it's "its" not
"her"? Is that how United Nations described other nations?

And, finally, while I'm ranting, the proper pronoun is "its," not
"her." As in, "Then every government can design *its* own
security schemes around the kernel."


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Robert Black Eagle	
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