On December 19, 2002 09:18 pm, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> After seeng posts here re efforts by the film and entertainment industry
>  pushing for various laws to be passed south of the border, I didn't
> realize that  there were simalar  moves being pushed here in Canada.
> Well I finally realize that Canadian polititions are far mor corrupt
> than  anything  possible south of the border.  If you doubt that then
> read the following.
> http://www.kelownacapnews.com/archive/2002/12/18/stories/7519_full.html?lat

The levy has been around for at least a years already, it's simply expanding 
in 2003.  IIRC, the current levy on CD-Rs is in the neighborhood of $0.20 CDN 
or so, and will be going up to $0.59 CDN.  You may want to take a look at 
http://www.ccfda.ca/ for a little more information.

I've already shipped letters off to my political representatives (maybe I 
should try the local papers as well... I haven't noticed any coverage of this 
in them).

I've never been the biggest buyer of music CDs, but I've decided not to 
purchase those few that I might have, due to this levy increase.  In any 
case, I'll be stocking up on some CD-RWs (I've got lots of CD-Rs left) before 
the year is up.

David Aikema
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