Lee wrote:

On Friday 20 December 2002 02:34, ronnie gauthier wrote:

I read it. Seems to me that at what they are charging as a "tax" to be
"given" as compensation to recording artists... would allow you to
record *any* music to media that was taxed, no matter the source.

There's still KaZaa. The company who owns it is incorporated on some obscure
island in the Pacific that doesn't have copyright laws and the two elusive guys who have the source code for it have disappeared in Europe somewhere where even the record company's legal sharks or American courts can find them. Not that it would do the greed bags any good. KaZaA, unlike Napster recides on the users computer not a central computer server system. So, there's no way to shut it down except by breaking into your computer and erasing the music files. Something has authorized the entertainment to do, even if it does violate the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution. The only drawback with KaZaA, other than the vulnerability of swapping files, is that there is no Linux version of it. The thing is designed for MicroGreed, but if you run a dual boot system with MS and one of the newer Linux OSs like Mandrake 8.1, 8.2 or SuSE 7.2 you can access the music files on the MS partition with the bundled MP3 players like xxms. Who knows maybe KaZaA's developers willcome up with a Linux version.


Once this crap becomes a reality, I'll be in the "news" more often than not. I'll be openly crossing the border to purchase my recording media and I'll make damb sure that they know. I outright refuse to obey an illigal law nor do I have any intention of paying an illigal tarif. Hell, as it stand the federal government gets one third of my paycheck , 48% of my money everytime I put gas in my truck and the provincial/federal gets another 14.5% everytime I buy something. On top of all that, the user fees that underlie such basics as owning/renting a home, reduces my income even more. Now the same money grabbing b@#$ards expect me to subsidize a multi billion dollar industry. I think not!

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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