On 12/30/02 15:40, Bruce Marshall wrote:

On 12/30/02 15:33, Marvin P. Dickens wrote:
> Also, just so you know Lonnie: This is rediculous.

Agreed, telling people to turn off swap to improve performance, is ridiculous.

Just to stick my $.02 in here and stir up the pot.....  let's talk
mainframes for a minute.

On IBM mainframes, if you can turn off the Dynamic Address Translation
(required for virt memory and swapping) then you can achieve some real
gains in machine performance.  All jobs run in 'real' memory and the
hardware doesn't need to screw around with address translations.

Can this same thing be done on the i386 architecture?  I doubt it and I
would doubt that Linux would be able to pull it off.  But Linux never
ceases to amaze me.

In any event, there *is* the possibility of performance gain if address
translation can be turned off.
I wouldn't doubt it if there was an adequate amount of physical memory. But somewhere along the line, Peck side-stepped the entire detabe from his original claim of "improving performance by removing swap" to "if your box dies, its cause you don't have enough physical memory". There's a world of difference between memory considerations on a desktop box, and a server, and Peck flip-flopped between the two whenever it served to support his argument. I'd say unlesss you have upwards of 1GB of memory, its outright foolish to disable/kill swap on a desktop system, since they're way too multi-purpose to be able to accurate spec out memory requirements in advance. On a server, where the purpose is usually planned well in advance, you should be able to adequately gage memory requirements and avoid the creation of a swap partition.

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