Well, magically gphoto2 knows where to find it - /dev/bus/usb/001/xxxxxx

But I can't figure out how to get a mountable filesystem out of it. Although, gphoto2 
works so well,
I'm almost not caring - except I'd just like to know how to do it.

On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:11:08 -0500
Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How did you get it to work in gphoto2?  Does this camera not act as a USB Storage 
>device?  For instance, my Mustek does not.  I use it with gphoto2 and set it up to 
>use the Mustek driver (gphoto's) and the path /dev/usb/mdc800 and everything works 
>fine (well, fine on everything but by laptop which I'm convinced has screwed-up USB 
>hardware inside it).  I do this with COLW311.
> begin  Alan Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (Thu, 26 Dec 2002 11:45:56 -0600)
> > On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 11:31:57 -0600
> > Alan Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Well, after perusing the web, it looks like this camera is a little dicey
> > > on this kernel, so I took the easy way out and got a CF card reader. But
> > > I can't quite get that going either...
> > > 
> > 
> > Never mind....
> > 
> > For reasons I don't fathom, I can now access the camera fine with gphoto2.
> > I think that it may have been upset because I had cd'd into the /proc/bus/usb
> > directory. Go figure.
> > 
> > I'd still like to know how to mount the card reader though... and to
> > understand why I keep incrementing the device number...
> > 
> > -- 
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| [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,         |
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