Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 22:59, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
>> Alternatively, there is www.plone.org
>Looks nice thank you. 
>After a lot of RTFM along with several test installs, I now realise that
>most of the problems I've had witth PHP-nuke are "Msql access" related.
>What I need to do now is to determine the proper way to secure the
>mysq-server and yet allow php-nuke to access its dbase. I had no
>problems setting up eestock (with postgres) and works like a charm but
>then it doesn't use mysql. All the documentation I've come accross re
>php-nuke impies that mysql is left wide open as there is no reference
>made to securing the installation. This might be acceptable on an
>internal home system but not on a pruduction system. There has got to be
>some better docs out there, but as of yet, I've not come accross them.
>Software and network security are my extreme weak-points thus I'll be
>doing a lot of RTFM'n. I was hoping to take a network admin course but
>living in British Columbia the land of M$, all the courses I've seen
>offered in community colleges are geared towards IIs or some other M$
>dribble.So this leaves me to to learning on my own (as usual). 
>Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
>Westbank, B. C.

Did you try applying to BCIT?  They have some night course
for other OS's, including Linux and Solaris....

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