On 07/12/03 18:36, Joel Hammer wrote:
I don't have pilot-link. Do I need it?

I know nothing about palm pilots. I've never owned one, and never used one. I spent 3 minutes Googling and found numerous references to the requirement that pilot-link be installed & functional before you can access a palm pilot in Linux. Of course about 1 of those three minutes was trying to figure out what the heck a 'Zaire' was, until i realized that you meant Zire. For your edification:

and last, but certainly not least, the official jpilot documentation where pilot-link is explicitly specified as a prerequisite:

I downloaded Ximian Evolution.  It won't work with the palm because I
need some gnome tools.


Oh well, I will just have to not use my  palm for a few months/years
longer. I am getting fond of pcal. I will not bother with this problem
anymore. I have at least 30 hours of my time invested, all wasted.

Perhaps it wouldn't have been had you spent a few minutes reading the documentation.

I'll skip my usual rant. Not worth it. But, its worth noting in passing
that linux developers wrote devfs without getting any input from
me. I would have told them to make all handhelds plug and play with
linux before they fix something that wasn't broken. That is, if they
are serious about getting linux on the desktop, which apparently they
are not. I would never recommend linux to the average user because of
shortcomings like this. This is a show stopper.

No. Not reading documentation is the show stopper. PEBCAK.

It is hard not to get the impression that linux is a place where
adolescents like to play. For example, going though the warehouse at
Lindows, I noted that there were pages of mp3 players and cd rippers. But,
there are only two office suites. One staroffice, which came out of a
commercial background and was a free gift (charity) to the opensource
movement and is a serious package. The other is koffice, the opensource
answer to MS. I have never found Koffice useful.  Don't linux advocates
get worried ?

Only about FUD mongers. Some people deserve windoze.

Bill Gates must sleep well at night.

i'm sure he does.


P.S. This wasn't the rant. I erased that.

you sure fooled me.

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