Greets Keith;

--- Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 07:26 PM 19/07/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >As Lonni pointed out, you need to set up your
> >DNS ip's in XP.   If you don't, your XP boxes will
> >never traverse outside your internal home network, and
> >out onto the internet.
> >
> >I think if your user setting has the rights, you can
> >adjust the settings for the NIC via...
> >
> >Start  ==> My Network Places ==> Nic Device
> >    Advanced Settings => DNS settings.
> Well after My Network places there is no Nic Device etc.
> I can set up DNS if I had IP's to place in there but I do not
> have any.
> I am on cable and do not have any primary IP's.
> Skippy

My bad Keith.  

I should have thought about it for a moment.


To find your NIC settings in XP should be something like

Start ==> My Network Places ==> Local Area Connection ==>

 { I don't know if you can right click that one or not}

    Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties==> 

In the General Dialogue box, you should have at the top
something that says 'Connect using ' and your NIC

If you place your mouse over the 
NIC icon, your properties of the nic and if it
is active will appear after 5 seconds.

If you left click while doing so, your turn off your
NIC.  If you left click again, you'll turn it back
on.  Click once now, and turn it off.

Further down, in the General dialogue box, will be the
TCP/IP properties box.  Left click on that line, and 
another General menu will pop up.

I would, if I were you, select the 'USE the following IP'
and fill out the IP and Subnet info that you had before 

Then move further downward, and select the 'Use the
following DNS server addresses', and fill in the Primary
and Secondary DNS server ip addresses for this computer.
You may have to move on to the ADVANCED SECTION to fill
in the settings.  

Click okay once, make sure that your at the General box
for 'Local Area Connection Properties', and move the mouse
pointer over the NIC icon again, and click on the icon.

The new network settings should take effect right about 

I'd open the browser and try to surf a webpage to see if 
the settings took.

HTH Keith,

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