My Bet:
It won't work anyway.  Linux may actually be slowed a little by all this, but
SCO, Sun, and Microsoft are all sitting on one of the last pieces of
artillary, hoping they will only have to worry about each other once again... 
But what they fail to recognize is while they focus on Linux, BSD is still
developing and much of the Linux core which is NOT in question may be
integrated into the BSD's at any time to provide the additional friendliness
and HW support that they have been lacking.  They will not be able to breath
easy... ever.
The software industry landscape has been forever changed, and it is forcing
difficult adjustments on all software companies involved, although mostly on
the behemoth OS vendors.  That's because Open Source OS'es are farther
advanced than most of the other software, since they've been worked on and
refined longer than most other OSS projects.  Given time, other areas will
face fierce competition from OSS as well.  This will be the equalizer,
abrupting the mentality that customers are kept by "lock-in", Marketting, and
FUD.  Perhaps the end result will be software companies which aim to keep
market share by actually writing good and innovative code!  Or maybe not.

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 23:33:30 -0500
Alma J Wetzker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In reguards to SCO, we have to remember that SUN is paying a good chunk 
> of SCO's legal fees.  The traditional *nix vendors have had some very 
> profitable niches gutted by Windoze.  They are starting to see the same 
> from linux and M$ has also noticed.  I think they are all working to 
> shut down linux on the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" theory.  The 
> only problem is who has the dagger and who has the back between SUN and 
> M$?  Any bets?
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