Quoth Dinesh Babuji:
> Dear all,
> I was tryin to get into irc-linux users,but the link is broken.

You could just connect directly, I suppose.

> I am facing a trouble in Qt.I have made some forms/widget with the help of 
> GUI tools available in Qt..eg buttons,radio buttons,text box  etc..
> The Question 1 is: How can I run a shell command on the terminal on the 
> push of a Button I have in                      the form/widget?

This would be a Qt question, or perhaps a KDE question. See 

> Question 2: How do I get the output of shell command which appears on the 
> terminal to display in thge text box in the widget?

See http://developer.kde.org/.

> Please answer.Urgent need.
> Thanx a lot.


It has been said that man is a rational animal.  All my life I have
been searching for evidence which could support this.
                -- Bertrand Russell
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