Have you looked into your printing logs?
This is usually a filter problem.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 10:14:28PM +0000, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> On Slackware 8.1, I had printing (lpr/lprng) using a Canon BJC-210 
> working nicely. I did the upgrade to 9.0 and now I can not get it to 
> work no matter how or what I do. I then decided to setup printing on 
> another machine with a clean install of Slackware 9.0 and still no joy. 
> If I send a jop to the printer, I get the usual prompt that its 
> happening but nothing appears at the printer. If I issue "lprm -a" the 
> print job is listed and removed (as it should) I have lp0 detected at 
> boot and the bjc-210 is detected so that is not the problem (parport is 
> loaded) I can "cp somefile /dev/lp0" and it prints, but "lpr somefile" 
> renders absalutely nothing. Looking at my printcap file, the line:
> :if=/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter:\
> does not look correct. Should this not point to:
> /etc/apsfilter/canonbub/apsfilterrc  ???
> # APS2_BEGIN:printer2
> canonbub:\
>      :af=/var/spool/lpd/canonbub/acct:\
>      :if=/etc/apsfilter/basedir/bin/apsfilter:\
>      :lf=/var/spool/lpd/canonbub/log:\
>      :lp=/dev/lp0:\
>      :mx#0:\
>      :sd=/var/spool/lpd/canonbub:\
>      :sh:
> # APS2_END
> -- 
> Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
> Westbank, B. C.
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