Well, let's see:

Microsoft benefits by what SCO is doing, but a big part of the origin of Caldera was a successful lawsuit against them. Also, they had a big chunk of old SCO and dumped it as worthless--making them look foolish if the current management has found the magic bullet to kill Linux, while Microsoft couldn't see it. Also, Microsoft "gets" GPL. They don't like it, but they get it. But they threw money at SCO for licensing they really didn't need.

Sun has made some noises similar to what SCO has, about paying for their (Linux) products to avoid IP issues. They seem somewhat in favor of open source, but apparently have some inclination to co-opt same. And they have also bought SCO licensing that it didn't really look like they need.

And then there's the lawyer whose head office is in--ahem--Armonk, NY. And apparently has had past dealings with IBM. And this crap started just after SCO hired him...

Who's the villain?

At 04:50 AM 8/25/03 -0500, Alma J Wetzker wrote:
burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 24 Aug 2003 20:14:38 -0400
On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 16:02, Alma J Wetzker wrote:
My guess is that they are not as involved as we would like to believe.
Much as SCO's blathering is to the benefit of M$, I don't think they are orchestrating it. Sun is also a backer of SCO with _LOTS_ to lose if linux catches on. Remember that Caldera was birthed by a lawsuit with M$ over DR-DOS not working with Windoze. (They won for big bucks.)
I just can't see where logic would lead you to believe that Sun is more
likely than MS to be in cahoots with SCO. The available indications,
albeit circumstantial, point in exactly the opposite direction.

Sloppy language, sorry. I really don't think either company is involved other than giving $$$ to SCO. To me it looks like the razor cuts to SCO's arrogance and stupidity without any help from an outside source. (Other than cheers.)

-- Alma

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