On Tuesday 26 August 2003 17:45, Kurt Wall carved in granite:
> This hardly seems sufficient. This is one situation where
> using the sample httpd.conf file will help you. It seems
> long, but it's mostly comments. Entries I change
> ServerAdmin
> ServerName
> CustomLog
> User
> Group
> DocumentRoot
> After you make your changes, run "apachectl configtest" to
> validate your configuration file.

Thanks.  The syntax is OK according to apachectl.  I set:
ServerName spyder.condonia.org
User webuser
Group webgroup
DocumentRoot /web/site.burps/htdocs

This URL contains the same HTML code that I'm working with:
so it looks pretty clean as far as HTML goes.  I do not have 
an index.html doc in that directory.

Having made these changes to apache.conf I restarted apache, 
then tried again.  I get:
You don't have permission to access /BURPS.html on this 
Apache/1.3.27 Server at spyder.condonia.org Port 80

This happens when I access it either through the name or the 
IP.  I checked, and changed all of the /web directories and 
files to be owned by webuser:webgroup.  No effect.  I know 
better than to leave it that way, and will be changing it 
back momentarily.  The config file has no "Allow" or "Deny" 
in any combination of cases.

Next step?

In Harmony's Way and In A Chord,

Tom  ;-})

Tom. Condon
Barbershop Bass Singer
Registered Linux User #154358
A Jester Unemployed

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