On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 01:13, James McDonald wrote:

> Another thing is that they expect the mail domain to align with the 
> reverse dns entry which is rediculous... do the people administering 
> these black lists actually understand that a rdns query frequently has 
> absolutely nothing to do with the the email addresses...

These people are operating on vigilante principles... they don't care.
If they can eliminate 80% of spam by blackholing 15% of the genuine
innocent mail users, they are happy. It's a war and they don't care who
gets hurt - they consider it justifiable collateral damage. 

The scary thing is no-one voted for these guys, they weren't appointed
by any government agency and they aren't accountable to anyone. These
are just people who are feeding their ego and power-tripping on how they
are 'saving the world.' 

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