James McDonald wrote:

Folks I have the following setup for my home email http://www.jamesmcdonald.id.au/faqs/technical_documentation/linux/net/home-net.png

I am using NAT and portforwarding to point my external port to my internal postfix mail server.

I got in part an email with my ip address listed as banned via this dsbl list.

Rejected: listed at list.dsbl.org

In order to be removed from this list my internal mail server needs to accept mail in the format

[EMAIL PROTECTED] #(including the brackets, to make it rfc822 compliant)

currently I am getting a "relaying denied" reply if I try to send to this address....

Any ideas, suggestions, ruminations or contemplations?

Well I seem to have touched a nerve regarding this but this is how I got around the problem.

As noted above my MTA needs to accept mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED] in order to be accepted as non open relay. Because I am behind a NAT firewall my true interface is in the 192.168.x.x range and so postfix wouldn't accept [EMAIL PROTECTED] because even with $myinterfaces = all the external interface isn't on the box. So I created the following script to check for my external ip and then create a eth0:1 interface the same address as the external interface postfix now considers [EMAIL PROTECTED] local and will accept mail from that format. It doesn't seem to have broken my external connection or access.


echo last run `date` > /tmp/checkextip

# resolve the external ip via dns
external_ip=`dig -t A $external_domain | grep -A1 ANSWER\ SECTION | grep $external_domain | awk '{print $5}'`



# get current local interface
current_ip_address=`$ifconfig_bin $interface | grep "inet addr" | cut -f2 -d: | awk {'print $1'}`


# check to make sure it's an ip address

if echo $external_ip | grep -E '^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$' ; then
echo "in if 0"
if [ "$external_ip" != "$current_ip_address" ] ; then
echo "The external ip resolves to $external_ip"
echo "Changing current IP of $current_ip_address to $external_ip"
$ifconfig_bin eth0:1 $external_ip
echo "The external and current interface $interface IP Address Match"
echo "No change needed" fi
echo "Could not resolve external IP address"

-- James McDonald (Would you like fries with that MCSE?)

Singleton Australia

61+ (0)2 65712401
61+ 0428 320 219

13:25:00 up 12:09, 1 user, load average: 0.12, 0.06, 0.02
Linux 2.4.22 #1 Mon Sep 1 20:03:11 EST 2003 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

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