On Friday 03 October 2003 23:36 pm, Andrew Mathews wrote:
> Tom Wilson wrote:
> | Hi all
> |
> | My wife and I have an e-mail address that we share for general
> | corresponce with friends and family.   She is getting tired of
> | having to have me login under my username so she can see any e-mail
> | that she gets that I happened to download.
> |
> | Any recommendations on a method so we can share the inbox for our
> | shared e-mail account?
> [...]
> If you have the ability to use IMAP4 instead of POP3 this would solve
> the problem immediately. If not, it's multiple copies of email on
> multiple machines (why I went to IMAP4 instead).

Or use fetchmail and procmail to make two copies of each email.  And 
procmail could do spam filtering (spamassassin) as well as backing up 
each incoming email as well as other filtering.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         10/04/03 
11:17  +
"The more the pleasures of the body fade away, the greater to me is the 
  and charm of conversation." - Plato

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