On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 23:36, Andrew Mathews wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tom Wilson wrote:
> | Hi all
> |
> | My wife and I have an e-mail address that we share for general
> | corresponce with friends and family.   She is getting tired of having
> | to have me login under my username so she can see any e-mail that she
> | gets that I happened to download.
> |
> | Any recommendations on a method so we can share the inbox for our shared
> | e-mail account?
> |
> [...]
> If you have the ability to use IMAP4 instead of POP3 this would solve
> the problem immediately. If not, it's multiple copies of email on
> multiple machines (why I went to IMAP4 instead).

According to my ISP's web site they only use POP3 for home users.  Maybe
I should call and find out for sure.  

Thanks Andrew,

--Tom Wilson

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