On Sat, 18 Oct 2003, Robert E. Raymond wrote:
> > 1. Mozilla -- If you want the latest, you will have problems with
> > Flash (the one from Macromedia did not work when I tried it some
> > months back. May be fixed by now though) and Java (Using Sun,
> > Blackdown or IBM? Remember that for the Plug-In to work, you need the
> > glibc 3.x compiled version-- that rules out IBM, and you may need to
> > add LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 as an environment variable)
> >
> Yup, I see this.  I didn't have any problem getting the 1.4 RPM from
> rawhide working on either the laptop or the destkop, but he still
> doesn't have java on his desktop ;)

A word of warning.  Redhat's mozilla RPMs are a PoS.  They do some truly
evil unintuitive things with mouse text highlighting that will slowly
drive you mad.  I ended up removing their mozilla altogether, and
installing the official binary tarball.

> > 3. Fonts -- yeah, it looks really crappy when you first install Red
> > Hat. Better get the Subpixel font positioning thing working, or reduce
> > the size till Anti-Alising doesn't kick in, but it fonts don't look
> > jaggy or blurry.
> >
> Believe it or not, the fonts looked great! Maybe it's the 1400x1050 res.
> tho...

Fonts in RH9 are gorgeous, or at least ISO-8859-1.  Perhaps the asian
charsets aren't anti-aliased like the western ones?

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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