Chong Yu Meng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wed, 05 Nov 2003 10:16:09 +0800
Bruce Marshall wrote:

Well gee... I guess at 65 and having bought from Sun, I feel 2.66666666 times better than you do... :-)

That's amazing ! I thought most of the people on this list were in their 30's, because you guys sound so young ! I'm probably the youngest here, I expect (I'm 34). But I am also very aware of time being in short supply , but money is also one of my main worries!

Grow up doesn't have to mean dry up. These good folks sound so young because they still get excited about learning new stuff. (Some of us are just getting selective about what new stuff to bother with.) My G'ma took her first computer class at 80. It never occured to her that she might be old until she helped sign her daughter up for senior citizens.

I just assume that the list are all "My kind of people" and have fun with new stuff.

-- Alma

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