Yes, I have also found another use for windows. Politics.  I have gotten,
by default, the job of getting us up and going with digital photography
in our pathology department.

You have to experience it to believe it, but our IS department is trying
to make my life as difficult as possible because I bought a computer from
the digital camera company, not through IS. Our IS steals software and
hardware from people who buy through them and not straight from the vendor.
Seriously.  And, of course, IS bids for hardware are slow and over
priced. If I suggested linux, they would use that against me for sure
and fight like tooth and nail all the way. We are talking seriously
computer impaired but politically savvy people. They have to be
politically savvy because they keep their jobs despite knowing nothing
about computers.

Then, there is the job of getting colleagues to use the computer. Since
these are busy people who don't want to learn anything about computers,
and they sort blame me for the digital stuff (which I had nothing to
do with buying) I have to emphasize to them that they have to learn
the fundalmentals of such things as PowerPoint and windows explorer,
just like their children are using in high school. If I were trying to
get them to learn to navigate linux, they would simply refuse on the
grounds that I was a hobbyist wasting their time.  This way, they have
no excuse. So, I can use MS's monopoly against them. Thanks, Bill.

That said, I will stick to linux for many needs. For example, yesterday
I was hard at work reformatting about 50 documents in various formats
(word, pdf, text). I had to convert word to text and then reformat the
text and convert them to html which could be used by html2ps and
finally converted to pdf with ps2pdf.  If you want to see what I mean,
just visit and look at the MorePDF link. With SO, wget (To
download the 40 or so original documents off the web after ftp failed.),
wvText, vi (you can edit all the documents at once), bash, and sed,
and with about five xterminals open and an ftp link to my web page,
I got the job done. For example, imagine searching 40 word documents
at the same time for keywords. It's easy with wvText and grep!  
BTW, wvText with lynx installed did a BEAUTIFUL job converting word docs to
plain text. The great part is, just one "for" command converts all of
them at once. 


On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 08:02:05PM -0700, Collins Richey wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 20:28:19 -0600 Alan Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Windows is braindead. But you knew that.
> > 
> > Today at work I had some postscript files in an e-mail I wanted to print.
> > The e-mail was on Windows. Futzed around, couldn't find anything that would
> > interpret PostScript. So I called our helpdesk. After a good bit of
> > searching his answer was "Adobe Distiller". I thanked him, googled,
> > saw that ghostview/ghostscript was the recommended path, downloaded and
> > installed and in 3 minutes was printing. Gad I detest Microsoft.
> > 
> Yeah, but some love it, especially those who don't have the time to devote to
> learning how to deal with linux, which does require a few brain cells.
> I have a friend who is putting together a fairly complex software package for
> hydrology and river bed research.  He does all his work on Windows and even uses
> Gimp (yes, Virginia, there is GTK+ and Gimp for Windows!) for all his graphics
> work. The audience he is marketing his software to would have relatively little
> use for linux.
> You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your
> friend's nose.
> -- 
> Collins Richey - Denver Area
> if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
> worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
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