On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:38:35 -0700
"David Aikema" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So the kde packages then could be the cause of my problems?  One thing
> I've noticed about the distortion that I've been getting is that it
> seems pretty much limited to the menu bars and tools bar in
> applications and generally doesn't affect the important data areas.

i don't know about it being the cause of *your* problems as i wasn't
getting any of the distortions you were... do you only get the
distortion with kde? what about the other ump-teen wm's available on
slackware? if you only get it with kde then... maybe.

> BTW, how difficult is it to upgrade kde?  I can't say I have a very
> high level of linux expertise.

well, it's not all that difficult really, just time consuming, but
here's what i did (in a nutshell... sort of):

first make a backup of /opt/kde

cp -Rp /opt/kde /opt/kde.sav

start with qt-2.3.1 - slackware puts it in /usr/lib/qt-2.3.1 with a link
to /usr/lib/qt so, move or rename /usr/lib/qt-2.3.1 out of the way and
unpack the qt sources in /usr/lib and make sure the link is still there,
if not create it (ln -s /usr/lib/qt-2.3.1 /usr/lib/qt). build qt. use
the same build options slackware used here by looking in the sources
directory at ftp.slackware.com - you'll find the qt build script under
pub/slackware/slackware-8.0/source/kde/qt2/ called qt.build. if you are
not interested in Anti Aliased fonts use qt.build-noxft. FWIW, i just
used the as supplied by slackware qt2 package with AA enabled

next: kdelibs there is no more kdesupport so this is now the first one
to build. i used this for ALL the kde packages:

./configure --disable-debug && make && make install

NB: by default the ./configure script uses the /opt/kde prefix, this is
where you want it. also, if you've lots of ram you could add the
--enable-final flag to ./configure... i've never had much success using
that myself but, as always, YMMV.

next: kdebase 

followed by the rest in any order EXCEPT for kdeaddons, do
that one last. i also upgraded koffice at this time. 

although i had installed all the i18 packages when i initially installed
slack 8, i had problems building the kde-i18 stuff and still haven't
gotten it to complete... not that i'm really trying very hard, after all
i only speak english =)



Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
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