On Tuesday 14 August 2001 19:27, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that we have lost some list
> members because of the posting of a nude (though tastfull IMHO) picture. A
> couple of people have also indicated the references to sexual interaction
> w/ animals to be "pushing it".
> So, let's move the converstaion back to Linux shall we everyone?
> And no more nudes! I'll have to unsub any future offenders.

I think I may have to unsub myself, Douglas, if you have to take 
similar action again, because of what appears to be a few people's reactions. 
One of the things I cannot stand is the idea of Political Correctness, and 
one-size-fits-all ideas and opinions.

I appreciate you have to take into account all shades of opinion on an open 
forum, but, as Michael has pointed out, no-one was forced to open his 
attachment, and when the jokes started running, no-one was forced to follow 
the thread. Still less did they have to leave the list for a single instance 
of a photograph of a young woman being posted (as an attachment) or a joke 
that sparked a half-dozen slightly/rather/insert-own-adjective  off-colour 

Nobody posting intended or wished to offend anyone, I am certain, and the 
list is not going to change its general tone and values over one or two 

IMHO we are all part of the same world community, and should, I believe, take 
views that disagree with our own opinions as equally valuable and/or valid 
points of view. Tolerance is what is needed, IMO, not over-reaction, or PC.

If nothing had been said (or done in the cases of those who have unsub-ed) 
this thread would have died out in a very short time with no adverse affects.

Diversity and tolerance, please. My tuppence worth.

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