Hi folks,
It seems, at least from a response on the kde-linux list I'm on, that gcc 2.95, 
which eW31 has, does not contain optimization code for athlon. This is claimed 
to be the cause of my system architecture being i686 despite checking Athlon in 
the kernel make xconfig (a post on the Caldera list that I didn't cross-post 
here). So the task at hand now is to upgrade gcc to a version that supports 
athlon optimizations.
It appears that the SxS doesn't have anything listed for updating gcc. So 
before I download the latest 3.01 gcc, I'm looking for caveats from the bright 
folks on this list. Should I use 3.01, or another version (or just use the one 
i have and live with i686 optimizations)? What, other than gcc, should get 
updated in the process? Should I update glibc, too?
As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated,

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