Douglas J. Hunley wrote:

> On Friday 07 September 2001 09:01, Tim Wunder babbled:
>>Hi folks,
>>It seems, at least from a response on the kde-linux list I'm on, that gcc
>>2.95, which eW31 has, does not contain optimization code for athlon. This
>>is claimed to be the cause of my system architecture being i686 despite
>>checking Athlon in the kernel make xconfig (a post on the Caldera list that
>>I didn't cross-post here). So the task at hand now is to upgrade gcc to a
>>version that supports athlon optimizations.
>>It appears that the SxS doesn't have anything listed for updating gcc. So
>>before I download the latest 3.01 gcc, I'm looking for caveats from the
>>bright folks on this list. Should I use 3.01, or another version (or just
>>use the one i have and live with i686 optimizations)? What, other than gcc,
>>should get updated in the process? Should I update glibc, too?
>>As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated,
> I (like Llama) wouldn't use a 3.x release yet. In theory, 2.95.4 will have 
> Athlon support. Upgrading gcc is painless.. see 
> on another note.. you can compile code that is optimized for athlons without 
> upgrading gcc... simply use the following as both CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS when 
> compiling stuff:
> -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -march=i686 -mcpu=i686 
> -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -malign-functions=4 -funroll-loops 
> -fexpensive-optimizations -fschedule-insns2 -mwide-multiply
> (you might want to omit the -O6 though as some stuff gets flaky with it)
> !

On the KDE list, I asked: "Why 2.96? Current version seems to be 3.01. Why not 

And got this response from someone other than the guy recommending 2.96:

If you go to
you will read

"The whole suite has been extensively regression tested and package tested. It
should be    reliable and suitable for widespread use."


If you go to
you will not find any such indorsment.

Meaning 2.95.3 is latest stable release............

In fact I don't even see any mention of 2.96.r.....


If 2.95.3 is the "latest stable release" and it's been around since March of 
this year and Caldera chose not to inlude it in their distro, perhaps it's best 
that I leave well enough alone and live with i686 optimization. Of course, I'll 
be trying your CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS recommendation, too.


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