It just occurred to me.
The only two Presidents who opposed Israel building on the West Bank, Jimmy
Carter and George Bush the First, were both attacked by certain lobbies and
were one term Presidents. GB actually held up money for Israel, I seem to
recall, earning the fury of some people. Jimmy Carter was also abused by the
same people for opposing West Bank expansion.
Mr. Clinton was a great friend of Israel and did nothing I know of to really
discourage this expansion. All the fuss about the West Bank really exploded during
Clinton's term. Clinton let this Ben Laden guy live after the embassy
bombings, despite his high profile bombing of Afghanistan and that drug
factory in the Sudan.  He left town just in time. This country will be cleaning
up his messes for a long time. What confirmation of the wisdom of allowing only two
terms for President.
SO, I have to conclude, that the American voters backed politicians who
supported expansion by Israel into the West Bank. Why they were unmindful of
potential consequences of such actions is a mystery.

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