On Wednesday 12 September 2001 00:29, Keith Antoine wrote:

much wisdom born of experience, for which i thank him.

sadly, we here in the u.s. are at war; whether the government 
realizes it or not i do not know. i had a friend on one of the 
airplanes, and i still wait to learn whether the service we attend 
this weekend for another friend will be a wedding or a funeral. i've 
just now watched new footage of the second plane flying in to the 
wtc, and as a result modify my earlier thoughts: i do not wish to 
gutshoot the mastermind of all this with a .45. i wish to beat him to 
death with my fists and, when all the bones in my hands are broken, 
then work the trigger on my .45 on his associates.

let's put aside the notions of islam and anything else for a minute, 
and let's just adopt the notion that those who demonstrably misbehave 
can expect a bright flash from above. followed, a millisecond or two 
later, by reduction to their basic elements.

it looks as if maybe 20 people i know died today, given the death 
sentence for the crime of showing up to work; two or three of them 
were good friends. i suspect that this whole business was iraqi, but 
i'm not willing to remove from the party anybody who would have, 
given the chance.

we didn't ask for this. but we've been given it, and it's time to 
stop this candy-assing and give as good as we get. with interest, for 
america is always a good investment.
one day, you'll wish it was now.
your wish has been granted.
don't waste it.
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