I went to one of those sites with netscape. I downloaded one file (readme).
Once, I got a TESTING message on my browser. Nothing else.
Don't you think that using IE was the problem?
On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 06:15:48PM -0500, Bill Day wrote:
> Its not your fault, Im nosy  8)  I did let it dl the .eml file  but as to how 
> I got all those and such was wierd..  They even migrated to samba shares(and 
> winboxes) somehow.  I visited one page ( with I.E. and closed 
> all open window  imdeiately then trie dwith konquerer figured Id be safe.
> however i found (400 not 4000) on my linuxbox and exactly 198 on each winbox 
> that was up at the time.  both had infected load.exe in windows/system/ and 
> then a *.eml in every folder on the box...
> truly wierd..
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