On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:25:01 -0400
dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| On Thursday 20 September 2001 08:35, DOUGLAS HUNLEY wrote:
| | CNN (http://www.cnn.com) is currently running a poll on their front
| | page concerning whether you'd be willing to let the government
| | control more of your life in exchange for a sense of security...
| | Everyone please go register your opinion so the lawmakers can know
| | your true feelings about having your privacy and crypto and civil
| | liberties taken away
| despite what they think, cnn is not the government.

But, hey, even Tom Clancey writes that the CIA/FBI and government get
lots of info from CNN that they did not pick up themselves. Let those
crazy cameramen go to the scene and risk whatever.

Of course, all his work is fiction.

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