> You allow telnet into your home box?  That's a great way to get
> your system cracked.
They don't seem to allow SSL from work, so I have no choice.
I haven't been cracked because:
1. I have ways.
2. I am not worth cracking. I mean, what is there to steal?
> I thought @HOME had blocked all incoming port 80 traffic to their customers
> (their contracts say they shouldn't be running servers).
That's what they say. I was very careful at first, but they don't seem to
Virtually every hit I have taken from the last three worms has come from
@HOME ip numbers (many hundreds of unique ip's), so they know there are a lot of 
servers on their 
network. I wrote a nasty letter to them a while back, pointing out this
situation. They claimed they would become proactive, but nothing has
changed. It would be trivial to change apache to listen to different ports.

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