Chang wrote:
% you were taklomg about damages from within? well... what can I say...
% > Relying on a firewall alone is not "security" to any kind of professional
% > industry standard. Unfortuantely, it is a v ery common configuration.

No, what Burns meant (if I may) is that far too many organizations
believe a firewall is sufficient protection against attack, which it
isn't. If your only security tool is a firewall, you have nothing to
protect your internal network once the firewall is breached -- under
sustained attack, *any* net-connected firewall can be breached -- so,
for example, those clear text passwords that telnet and the r*
services pass around are easily snooped. On the other hand, if you
disable telnet and r* services internally and required the use of SSH,
packet sniffers won't catch clear text passwords because their aren't
any to catch.

Properly conceived security is comprised of layers of protection, not
some electronic equipment of the Maginot line that airplanes can fly
right over.

Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to
make it complex and wonderful.
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