On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 21:46:13 -0400 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi folks, 
> I'm trying to get OpenOffice 638c to work for me, but am having a
> real 
> wierd-ass problem. When root, I can run 'setup -net' and everything
> appears 
> to work OK. All the dialogs are drawn correctly and the install
> finishes 
> properly.
> When I try to execute setup as a normal user, it doesn't work right.
> I get 
> the OpenOffice splash screen OK, then a large blank window appears
> and the 
> installer stops. I don't get any error messages, just a large blank
> window. I 
> can click on the "X" n the top right to close the window and I'm
> presented 
> with a small dialog box with buttons drawn, but no text. I can click
> the 
> buttons, and if I choose the correct one, I can cancel the setup.
> Now for the wierd part. I logged into my PC from work via ssh and
> was able to 
> run the setup program as a normal user. When I got home, I could
> start 
> soffice, but none of the menu text displayed. I got icons, but no
> menu text. 
> I did not have this problem when logged in remotely, everything
> worked.
> Anybody have any idea what could possibly cause this? 
> Has anybody seen anything like this before?
> In the meanwhile, I'm gonna remove OpenOffice, re-read the install
> docs and 
> try again.

As I mentioned in my previous post, no problems installing as normal
user (no su or anything) to a directory in /home/collins.

Back in the earlier days, all my attempts to install soffice with net
options resulted in similar behaviour as you describe, except that it
locked my pc up tighter than a drum.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
gentoo_rc6 xfce+sylpheed
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