On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 18:22:13 -0700 (PDT) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tell that to my box with the CDRW in it.  It has both an IDE CDROM &
> CDRW.  Linux sees & mounts the CDROM as /dev/hdc, and sees & mounts
> the
> CDRW as /dev/sr0.  This is with a 2.4.x kernel, FWIW.
> --- Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know the truth, but I was told earlier by someone on the
> list
> > that it's all or nothing.  Once you are using scsi support for the
> > CD-RW, you get it for the regular CD as well.  

I (or the unfortunate soul who pointed me in that direction) stand
corrected.  , too, am on 2.4.x.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
gentoo_rc6 xfce+sylpheed
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