On Friday 26 October 2001 09:01 am, you sent an epistle:
> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> <massive snip>
> > I don't know the truth, but I was told earlier by someone on the list
> > that it's all or nothing.  Once you are using scsi support for the
> > CD-RW, you get it for the regular CD as well.  That's the way I'm
> > running - /dev/sr0 for the writer and /dev/sr1 for the noraml cd.  And
> > I have to have the parameter in lilo
> >     append="hda=ide-scsi hdb=ide-scsi"
> > since my scsi support is built into the kernel.
> that has not been my experience. I had hdd=ide-scsi in lilo, mounted the
> cdrom as /dev/hdc and used scsi addressing for the cdr (0,0,0)
> no issues

Seen varied posts re the appends, but AFAIK the scsi params were included in 
kernels from about 2.4.2 up. I have not needed to use them for some time
now; I access the cdrw and the dvd from /dev/sr0 and sr1 just by alterring
fstab. Found that by accessing the cdrom from sr0 that the dao was more 
stable in a burn.

To those who have been in harms way, to those that have made the
sacrifice in humanities name. At the going down of the sun and
in the morning I shall remember them. 
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer : Knowall

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