Bill Day babbled on about:
> Anyone got any tips ons etting up mailman-2.0.6
> I have the user mailman and the group mailman...
> Question1?  Do I make suer mailman belong to group users? or group mailman?
> Question2?  It says to create a directory $PREFIX for installation.. what
> is this..?  Im a rpm-er more often then not so most of this tarball stuff
> still gets me  8^)
> Thanks in advance,

mkdir /opt/mailman
groupadd mailman
useradd -d /opt/mailman -g mailman mailman

./configure --prefix=/opt/mailman --with-mail-gid=daemon 
make install

change wwwadmin accordingly
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin:  Admin:

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