It looks like you are on the ball here David. We have lost the ability to
connect with linux and a server they had up that we used dce-server seems to
be offline.

"David A. Bandel" wrote:

> Keith Antoine wrote:
> > Can a telco block linux access on cable ?? I cannot get out using Suse
> > but I was online earlier today, a friens als has tried in suse and
> > mandrake
> > and cannot get out We can both get out on windows.
> If they're using DHCP and have "Windoze-ized" it, you may never be able
> to connect with anything except Windoze.  Only they can tell you if
> they've deliberately fsck'd you.  In which case, they'll need to give
> you a static IP.
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel
> --
> Focus on the dream, not the competition.
>                 -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Keith Antoine aka "Skippy"
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland, 4061, Australia PH: 61 7 33002161
Certified Professional Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall!!
Insensible phone computer assistance a speciality.

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