On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:27:59 -0500
Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 17 December 2001 11:20 am, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > Well, you have to use something to browse with. I have been using
> > opera, which works pretty good and is fast. Mozilla came on my RH
> > 7.2 box and it was OK but I didn't see any great reason to  use it
> > over opera, which was faster. I just downloaded netscape 6.2. It
> > seems to be a polished product. No relation to 6.0! If I can get
> > pluggins to work right, which do better with plugger 4.0 so far,
> > and I can get it to do email, it will be as good as netscape 4.78!
> > I call that progress!
> I think you missed the point....   Mozilla is a much better
> Netscape....  

Just as galeon is a much better mozilla (my $.02).

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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