I can't use opera alone because there are some sites, like
fidelity.com, which won't work with it. The opera authors know this and say
they can't help it, some sites just don't support opera.
I haven't seen how to get plugins to work with opera.
I just downloaded the newest opera and I came across some item about plugins
saying that plugins have to work with netscape before they work with opera.
I may be wrong, but that's what I read, so I went to netscape 6.2. I wrote
the author of plugger -4.0 and he says he can't even run netscape 6 on his
computer! Netscape 6.2 installed and ran just fine on my caldera 2.4 with a
kernel upgrade and XFree4.x.
I simply can't believe (yet) that plugins don't work with netscape 6.2.
After all, this is not new technology! I think my problem is documentation.
I still haven't found any documentation about plugins which enables me to
trouble shoot this problem.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 09:43:25AM +0000, Declan Moriarty wrote:
> On Monday 17 December 2001 15:47, you wrote:
> > --- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Does anyone have experience with Plugger 4.0 for netscape 6.2?
> > > (I am going to get pluggins working or else...)
> >
> > Is there a reason why you're insistant on using Netscape 6.2?  Mozilla
> > is basically the same thing, only alot more stable, and far easier to
> > work with (IMO).  I've not had any trouble getting plugins working in
> > Mozilla.
> I never got plugins to work with Netscape-6.2, but I did with Mozilla, and 
> Netscape 4.78. What you need to know is that the plugin directory is moved, 
> and the plugins supply instructions for version 4.78 (old dir). 
> You must have a lot of time on your hands using Netscape. I decided I did 
> not, and put on Opera 5, which doesn't need this farting about with plugins, 
> and loads the same day it's started. I hear everyone going on about galeon - 
> I mean to look at that too, but I haven't had the time.
> -- 
>       Regards,
>       Declan Moriarty
> Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius
>       A Slightly Serious(TM) Company
> Success covers a multitude of blunders - G.B. Shaw.
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