On Tuesday 18 December 2001 08:53, Richard R. Sivernell enunciated:

> Skippy
>     Happy Holiday to ypou mate & your better half.
> My brother in law lives in Logansport Indiana. He does notget around too
> well as he has a bad problem with the nervous system. But does like to see
> other parts of the world. Pictures tend to help.
>    Got a lot of the old cotton balls on the ground there outside tyour
> door? We have a few days of rain then sunshine, thenwe start the cirle of
> weather again.
> Stay away from the crocks skippy, alis Crockidile Dundee.
> cheers

Thanks mate. So I have been so busy that I have not had time to do things 
that I have wanted to. Im always thought that when I was retired I would have 
all the time in the world, but no; I now have no idea where I got the time to 
go to work. However I digress, seeing that I have some 600 images now of 
scenery and flora & fauna, which I will get up online very soon, promise. 
Would your brother inlaw like a cd compilation from Tropical Oz ? I'll post 
it to him if you like.

Oh yes, i'll need a URL , no sorry and address..........

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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